
PhD in Pharmacology & Physiology

Students are required to complete 33 credits of coursework. A 2-credit elective is generally taken in the spring of the 2nd year.

0 credits | Summer Year 1

4 credits | Fall Year 1 | MW, 3:00pm – 5:00pm

This course focuses on the most basic principles of pharmacology and covers, in detail, molecular and cellular drug targets, drug-receptor interactions, agonism, antagonism, drug metabolism, pharmacogenomics, and pharmacokinetics. Quantitative problem solving regarding these topics will be required. An introduction to several important neurotransmitter/receptors and their signaling mechanisms is included.  This course is meant to prepare the student for Graduate Pharmacology (PHAR504) in the spring.

There are two exams (~35% each) and approximately 22 quizzes (~30%).  Quizzes occur at 3:00 to 3:10 and cover the material in the previous lecture.  At least 3 of the lowest scores for each student will be dropped.   For this reason, there are no makeup or late quizzes for any reason.

5 credits | Fall Year 1 | MWF, 10:00am – 12:00pm

4 credits | Fall Year 1 | MW, 1:00pm – 3:00pm

2 credits | Fall Year 1 | Friday, 4:00pm – 5:00pm

The course provides a survey of research in neuroscience currently underway at Georgetown University. Each semester the course is given, 16 faculty present the research topic being studied in their laboratories with an emphasis on experimental design strategies and choices. Different faculty are chosen to present in different semesters. Students are given a reading list for each topic and the formal presentation by the faculty member is followed by an interactive discussion session. Students prepare a mini-grant proposal on a research topic chosen in consultation with the course director and a faculty member with expertise on the topic.

0 credits | Fall Year 1

10 credits | Spring Year 1 | Monday, 9:45am – 12:00pm

2 credits | Spring Year 1 | Wednesday, 5:00pm – 7:00pm

0 credits | Spring Year 1

2 credits | Fall Year 2 | Thursday, 1:30pm – 3:00pm

This course is designed to help students critically read and evaluate primary literature. Faculty direct readings and discussion of papers in an area of study that is focused. Each student is responsible for all aspects of each paper for every session.

CLTR 6501: Introduction to Biostatistics in Clinical Research

INNS 6300: Translational Neuroscience

BSPA 6606: Public Policy for Scientists

NSCI 5002: Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience

NSCI 6001: Adv. Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience

NSCI 6003: Functional MRI: Theory & Practice  

NSCI 6007: Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration

PHAR 6504: Medicinal Plants & Pharmacognosy

TBIO 6508: Cellular and Molecular Aspects of the Transformed Cell

TBIO 6523: Cancer Epigenetics

TBIO 6525: Cancer Genetics

BCHB 5150: Intro to Bioinformatics

BIOT 5220: Drug Targets/Drug Design

CLTR 6506: Study and Clinical Trials Design

CLTR 6507: Epidemiologic Methods

CLTR 6700: Aspects of Drug Development

INNS 6301: Neurobiology of Drug Addiction

BSPA 7005: Science Diplomacy & World Health

NSCI 5004: Neurobiology of Disease

NSCI 6011: Topics in Synaptic Transmission

PHSL 6529: Human Nutrition & Health

PHAR 6503: Introduction to Toxicology

PHAR 6505: Advanced Topics in Nutrition

TBIO 6536: Cancer Pharmacology 

PHAR 6506: Human Nutrition & Obesity