MD-PhD Dual Degree

About the MD-PhD Program in Pharmacology & Physiology

The M.D.-Ph.D. in Pharmacology & Physiology is a dual doctorate program designed for students interested in careers as physician-scientists. Students will receive a top medical education combined with research training in laboratories of premier investigators at Georgetown University. The Ph.D. curriculum is tailored to complement the medical coursework.

M.D.-Ph.D. students enter the School of Medicine and complete the first 18 months of the preclinical medical curriculum prior to entering the Ph.D. program full time. A research rotation is conducted during the summer between the first and second years of medical school, with two additional rotations after entering the Ph.D. program full time.

M.D.-Ph.D. trainees in Pharmacology & Physiology are required to complete 22 credits in Ph.D. coursework (as compared to the 33 credits required for regular Ph.D. students) with the remaining credits absorbed from the medical coursework.

The requirement for 2 elective credits and the following core courses are waived: PHSL 6501: Fundamentals of Human Physiology (for Medical School Physiology) and PHSL 6534: Cell & Molecular Physiology (for Medical School Biochemistry). While not required, M.D.-Ph.D. students can chose to take electives as appropriate for their degree plan.

Additional information about the M.D.-Ph.D. program, including application information can be found on the School of Medicine MD-PhD Program website. Note that only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply for the M.D.-Ph.D. dual degree program.

MD-PhD Course Schedule

Year 1

Fall & Spring Semesters

MD-PhD students will be enrolled full-time in the regular medical curriculum for first-year medical students.

Summer Semester

Course NameCredit(s)
PHPH 9985: Lab Rotation Summer0
0 Credits

Year 2

Fall Semester

MD-PhD students will be enrolled full-time in the regular medical curriculum for second-year medical students.

Spring Semester

MD-PhD students will be officially enrolled in the Graduate School (not the medical school) and receive a stipend for the entire spring semester. However, they are not expected to actually begin their rotation until they have taken the USMLE STEP I board exam. MD-PhD students are required to take STEP I by the same deadline as students in the regular MD program.

Course NameCredit(s)
PHPH 9987: Lab Rotation Spring0
0 Credits

Summer Semester

Course NameCredit(s)
PHPH 9985: Lab Rotation Summer0
0 Credits

Year 3

Fall Semester

Course NameCredit(s)
NSCI 5001: Neuroscience Survey I2
NSCI 5009: Practical Data Analysis & Experimental Design2
PHAR 8001: Advanced Pharmacology2
PHAR 6000: Principles of Pharmacology4
PHPH 9986: Lab Rotation Fall0
10 Credits

Spring Semester

Course NameCredit(s)
PHAR 8000: Graduate Pharmacology and Physiology10
NSCI 5007: Survey Skills & Ethics for Scientists2
PHPH 9987: Lab Rotation Spring0
12 Credits

Year 4+

Course NameCredit(s)
PHPH 9999: Thesis Research0
0 Credits

Research Rotations

Students are required to take 3 rotations.

Research Rotations


Read through the course descriptions.



Find the requirements and details for thesis research.
