Archive: General Page

  • M.S. Research Mentors

    Primary FacultyPh.D. Thesis MentorsM.S. Research Mentors The faculty below have previously served as mentors for MS students engaging in research in our department. Availability to mentor is at t

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  • Roopali Publications

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  • Statement from the Department of Pharmacology & Physiology on Racism

    The Department of Pharmacology & Physiology is deeply saddened and disgusted by the ongoing racism and violence the Black community and other people of color continue to experience in the United Stat

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  • Post Doctoral Scholars

      LORENZA BELLUSCI, PH.D. Email: lb1173@georgetown.eduLab: Dr. Niaz SahizadaEducation: School of Medicine, University of Pisa (Ph.D. in Biochemistry, 2019)Current Research: My long-term resea

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  • Primary Faculty

    All Faculty Primary Faculty Ph.D. Thesis Mentors M.S. Research Mentors   GERARD AHERN: ION CHANNELS AND SENSORY RECEPTORS Professor, Pharmacology & PhysiologyAhern Labgpa3@georgetow

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  • Ph.D. Thesis Mentors

    Primary FacultyPh.D. Thesis MentorsM.S. Research Mentors   HONG-YUAN CHU Associate Professor, Pharmacology and Physiology hc948@georgetown.eduLab Website Office: Med-Dent NW410Educ

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  • Pre-Approved Electives

    Times/days for 2018-2019 - Check Schedule of Classes (Main Campus) for current semester; current students can also view the schedule on MyAccess.  Note: Electives may not be offered every semester

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  • Kenneth L. Dretchen

    Professor and ChairDepartment of Pharmacology & Physiology Ph.D., PharmacologyUniversity of Iowa, 1972(202)  The research in my laboratory has been directed

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  • Example Degree Plans

    Students can complete the program in two or three terms; most students choose to complete the program in two terms. Two-Term PlanThree-Term PlanGeorge Squared (G²) Two-Term Plan Students app

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  • Registering for Classes

    For guidelines and instructions about how to register for classes as a new incoming or current student, and for example schedules please see links provided on the left. 

    Category: General Page