Pharmacology 584

1 Credit     Fall 
Thursday 8:45 – 9:50
Course Director:  Dr. Gerard Ahern  

This minicourse presents an overview of some important aspects of pharmacology. It begins with basic principles of drug targets, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics.  There is topical coverage of neuropharmacology, including the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system and diseases and disorders assoicated with neuronal dysfunction.   Cardiovascular pharmacology, endocrine pharmacology, immunopharmacology, cancer chemotherapy and anti-infectious agents are also discussed. 
There will be a cumulative final at the end of the course (~60% of the grade).   There will be a quiz each day at 8:45, ending at 8:55, on the material from the previous lecture (~40% of grade).  There will be 2 or 3 quizzes with the lowest grade dropped for each student.  For this reason, there are no makeup or late quizzes for any reason.

Good and free reference Pharmacology e-text books 1    You need to log in to Georgetown
Use ctrl F and search for Pharmacology;  Choose either
Katzung, Golan, or Goodman & Gilman – each good texts

If you really want to buy a book, some of this course is keyed off of Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology (8th ed) – $74 at Amazon.
OR the 7th ed used for ~$8 – not much changed between the 7th and 8th.

  Intro to Pharm 2018 Lecturer Chapters Chapters
Thursdays 8:45-9:50   Rang-7 Rang-8
30-Aug Molecular & Cellular Aspects of Drug Action


3,4 3,4
6-Sep General Principles of Drug Action: Pharmcodynamics


2 2
13-Sep General Principles of Drug Action: Pharmacokinetics Wolfe 8,9,10 8,9,10,11
20-Sep ANS: Cholinergic and Noradrenergic Transmission Wolfe 12,13,14 12,13,14
27-Sep CNS: Transmitters & Receptors (amino acids) Pak 36,37 37,38
4-Oct CNS: Neurodegenerative Diseases Pak 39 40
11-Oct CNS: Pharmacology of Mood & Psychiatric Disorders Wolfe 43,45,46 44,46,47
18-Oct CNS: Pharmacology of Pain & Drug Addiction Ahern 41,48 42,49
25-Oct Cardiovascular Pharmacology Motter 21,22 21,22
1-Nov Pharmacology of Cancer Garman 49,55 56
8-Nov Endocrine Pharmacology Dezfuli 30 – 34 31-34
15-Nov Anti-Infectious Agents Dezfuli 50,51,54 50,51,52,53
22-Nov Thanksgiving      
29-Nov Inflammation & Immune System Ahern 17 17,18
6-Dec review and last quiz      


exam 8:30 – 10:30      

2nd floor Basic Science Bldg – BSB239
Quiz from 8:45-8:55 – Lecture 8:55-9:50

Rang & Dale’s Pharmacology 7th Edition 8th Edition