The M.S. Pharmacology program is designed to be completed in two full-time semesters (one academic year, fall and spring). During the degree, students complete 30 credits of coursework, including 23 credits of required courses and 7 credits of electives (either Didactic Track or Laboratory Research Track).
Required Core Courses
Laboratory Research
PHAR 7950: Research in Pharmacology
2 credits | Fall Semester
PHAR 7951: Research in Pharmacology
5 credits | Spring Semester
Students in the laboratory research track conduct mentored research with a member of the GUMC faculty.
Fall Recommended Electives
Below are elective courses that previous students have taken and enjoyed. Students are welcome to explore the course catalog for other biomedical courses that suit their particular interests. Permission of the program director should be sought for any desired electives not listed below. Additionally, some courses may also require permission of instructor.
PHSL 6602 Biomedical Career Pathways
BSPA 6606 Public Policy for Scientists
TBIO 6508 Cellular and Molecular Aspects of the Transformed Cell
TBIO 6523 Cancer Epigenetics
TBIO 6525 Cancer Genetics
NSCI 6003 Functional MRI: Theory & Practice *Permission of Instructor Required
NSCI 6007 Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration
*Permission of Instructor Required; strong background in neuroscience required.
INNS 6300 Translational Neuroscience *Permission of Instructor Required
Spring Recommended Electives
Below are elective courses that previous students have taken and enjoyed. Students are welcome to explore the course catalog for other biomedical courses that suit their particular interests. Permission of the program director should be sought for any desired electives not listed below. Additionally, some courses may also require permission of instructor.
PHSL 6529 Human Nutrition & Health
PHAR 6503 Introduction to Toxicology
PHAR 6504 Medicinal Plants & Pharmacognosy
TBIO 6536 Cancer Pharmacology
BIOT 5220 Drug Targets/Drug Design
MICB 6600 Concepts of Immunotherapy*
*Permission of Instructor Required
BSPA 7005 Science Diplomacy & World Health
Note: Certain courses may not be offered every year or may be offered at different times that conflict with core courses; please check course schedule for available course offerings.